Saturday, January 24, 2009

Shirts Save Lives!!! (Spiritually)

Tonight, on the eve of my wife and I joining Christ The King, I’m fighting illness and my wife is doing laundry. She just held up a shirt and asked me if I remembered it. For those of you who don’t know, I have a slight penchant for both hats and “interesting” t-shirts. This particular shirt will always hold a special place, since through it God brought us to CTK. The shirt is a blue one, emblazoned with a quote from a Christopher Walken skit on SNL. The quote reads, “I got a fever and the only prescription is more cowbell!” I enjoy the skit, as do many who have shown an interest in my shirt. My pastor’s wife saw my shirt during the SWBTS church fair. She immediately came to me and my wife and began talking to us. Through this conversation, we gained an interest in CTK and eventually began attending there. God’s use of simple, everyday objects still amazes me. I believe in God as being supremely sovereign, yet I still find myself in awe at his workings. Praise and glory be to God alone for drawing us into our new family. If any of y’all are reading this, know that we love you. Never before has church felt so much like true family. Sola Deo Gloria.


  1. Anonymous9:01 PM

    I just have to tell you when I began reading this post and you were talking about you 2 joining Christ the king... I thought you meant literally joining Jesus and I was a liitle curious. Glad to know you guys aren't plannig on dying tomorrow.

  2. Upon re-reading my opening line, I can realize the confusion. Guess that refering to our church as such as become old hat. Thanks for the comment, though. Got a good laugh.
