Wednesday, November 05, 2008

Our Church

We have a new church home!!!
Our journey to find a new church has been interesting! We are so glad the Lord brought us to Christ the King! It is exactly what we were looking for. They have welcomed us in with loving arms. The church meets in this beautiful Chapel. It is a little tricky to get in to but once you do …wow!
This is only the place we meet but I find it …well just beautiful!
We are both really excited to see all that the Lord has for us here.

I found these pictures online and I love this one!
Ok so the chapel is beautiful but really it is the people and their desire for the Lord that really brought us here. Although… having Central Market next door did attract my husband!!
(Just kidding hon!)


1 comment:

  1. Anonymous6:03 PM

    Beautiful Church. I am so glad you have both found the place God wants you to be.
    Hope to see you soon.
    Love you guys.
