Friday, November 14, 2008

Busy Week

Well I thought we should post something this week. We have been super busy. Looking back I am not sure what we have been so busy with…..but I feel like we have been running non-stop! This picture is from one of our nights out… Moon struck his “Thinking” pose for you all!

Tomorrow (Sunday) Moon and I will start our first “new members” class at church! We are both really excited! The class will cover the basic beliefs of the church. This is among the many reasons we like this church. We really feel that churches should offer class like this to help new members come to understand foundations on which the church is built.

One of us will be writing later on this week. If it’s me, I’ll be ranting about the constant battle I find myself in with birds. If it’s Moon, he will probably have some sort of weirdness to talk about. I always tell him, it’s got to be really interesting to be in his head.


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