Monday, November 17, 2008

Bird Phobia

I know you were all on the edge of your seats waiting on this post …. I took this picture outside my work at the beginning of the month at around 5:45am. You see once a month I have to come in to work insanely early and do inventory. On this particular morning, I was sitting in my car waiting on my manager to arrive…and all of a sudden the birds started appearing…. They were everywhere… surrounding my car…sitting on top of the building just staring at me. People (from the other stores in the shopping center) would drive in to the parking lot and the birds would not move until the last possible second …it look like the cars were driving through a big puddle of water but it was BIRDS!!!!

You see I have had a fear of birds ever since my senior year when I took a trip to Europe… There was a pigeon there that attacked me…I have never been the same! So there I am, sitting in my car … birds taunting me as if they knew I was scared… and my manager finally arrives… Facing my fears, I run to the door, praying they don’t attack, and made it safely inside.
(See how they sit up there waiting on me!)

I would like to say that this has been the end of my bird battle but …every evening they come back to our store…and sit on the roof… waiting on me. Everyone at work laughs at me when they see me running to my car dodging the poop falling from above. I know they are aiming for me because my car has been their target practice. But you see, they only poop on my driver's side door and the front window on the driver’s side. It is a conspiracy I tell you!!!

I am sad to say that today the birds won...on my way to the car their mission was successful...I got pooped on!

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous7:03 PM

    I am sorry but the bird stocking you is funny! I am sorry about the poop on you though, I have been there and it is gross!!!!
