Saturday, January 31, 2009

Fun Times In Fort Worth!

We have had a wonderful week. A quick recap - We joined our church Sunday morning!! We celebrated Moon’s Birthday at Buffalo Wild Wing with friends! We had so much fun… if any of you are reading this thank you again for coming! The weather had its moments (ice and Fort Worth traffic are not a good pair… it took me an hour to get to work Wednesday!), but it did offer Moon some time to get some homework done! My Aunt Elaine and cousin Jenn were in Fort Worth today and we were so blessed to have them come and see our humble little apartment and join us for lunch. This evening we were so excited to get together with Hudson & Molly for dinner. We really have the most amazing friends and are so grateful for all of them. Our weekend has been busy but so much fun. Tomorrow we get to go and worship with our new family and then we are off to a Super Bowl Party!!! So as you can see life is great here at the Leslie home!!! Before I go I just have to add a few pictures of one of the most beautiful little girl we know! So here she is making her blogging debut … Little Miss Ava!

Saturday, January 24, 2009

Shirts Save Lives!!! (Spiritually)

Tonight, on the eve of my wife and I joining Christ The King, I’m fighting illness and my wife is doing laundry. She just held up a shirt and asked me if I remembered it. For those of you who don’t know, I have a slight penchant for both hats and “interesting” t-shirts. This particular shirt will always hold a special place, since through it God brought us to CTK. The shirt is a blue one, emblazoned with a quote from a Christopher Walken skit on SNL. The quote reads, “I got a fever and the only prescription is more cowbell!” I enjoy the skit, as do many who have shown an interest in my shirt. My pastor’s wife saw my shirt during the SWBTS church fair. She immediately came to me and my wife and began talking to us. Through this conversation, we gained an interest in CTK and eventually began attending there. God’s use of simple, everyday objects still amazes me. I believe in God as being supremely sovereign, yet I still find myself in awe at his workings. Praise and glory be to God alone for drawing us into our new family. If any of y’all are reading this, know that we love you. Never before has church felt so much like true family. Sola Deo Gloria.

Friday, January 02, 2009

The opposite of Pirate? …… Ninja!

This post goes to my husband.
Baby,maybe you are right….the opposite of Pirate is Ninja!
I “Googled” Pirate vs. Ninja and there is a very large portion of the internet devoted to this very statement!!!

Ok after posting this I realize it may need a few more details for others to understand. The other night when we were at Moon’s parents for Christmas and we were all playing Taboo. (In the game you have a card with a word at the top you have to try and get your team to guess. Below is a list of words you are not aloud to say otherwise you get buzzed.)
Now it was boys against girls (not only that but husbands vs. wives so you know it is a serious competition) and it is Moon’s turn. The word he must get his team to guess is “Ninja”. I look at the card ready to buzz him if he uses one of the forbidden words …and out of his mouth come the first “clue”…. “THE OPPOSITE OF PIRATE”! Yes that is what he said. My first thought was to check and make sure I read the word correctly but no it said Ninja. I am still not sure which was funnier … his statement or the confused expression from everyone else! How they didn’t get it I will never know??? :)

He later tried to explain how there is this war between Ninja’s & Pirate’s taking place on the internet. I am proud to say that he is correct and a little happy too because if not I would be very worried about him coming up with such a theory on his own.

Thursday, January 01, 2009

It's 2009!!!

Happy New Year!!!

Last night we were invited over to the Oliver’s to ring in the New Year and we had a wonderful time. God has truly blessed us with an amazing church family. Here are a couple of pictures from last night along with a picture of Moon on Christmas morning in his new hat!!
Blessings and love to you all.

Here are the S'more Brownies we brought!!

They taste better than they look...


Stewart & Rosanne listening to one of Moon's stories....

Brandon & Bethany also listening to one of Moon's stories....

Moon telling one of his stories....

Moon on Christmas morning in his hat that his Sissy got him...

He loves it and looks adorable in it!